Assessing agreement between two methods using Bland-Altman Video tutorial, with step-by-step instructions and example files.

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Learn how to assess agreement between two methods of measurement using Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel.

The tutorial covers plotting the relationship between methods, estimating the average bias and the limits of agreement, understanding the importance of repeatability, using replicate measurements, dealing with a relationship between difference and magnitude, transforming the measurements to remove a relationship, estimating regression based limits of agreement, and estimating non-parametric limits of agreement.

This video applies to Analyse-it version 3.76 and later.

MSA (Measurement System Analysis) software Measurement System Analysis software Reference interval software ROC curve software Sensitivity & Specificity analysis software Method comparison software Bland-Altman software Deming regression software Passing Bablok software Method Validation software Statistical Process Control (SPC) statistical software SPC software Six Sigma statistical software Excel SPC addin Excel Statistical Process Control (SPC) add-in Pareto plot software software for Excel Pareto plot add-in software for Excel Pareto chart add-in software for Excel Control chart Excel add-in Process Capability statistical software Capability Analysis add-in software Principal Component analysis addin software Excel PCA add-in Excel ANOVA add-in ANCOVA software Multiple Regression analysis add-in software Multiple Linear Regression statistical software Excel model fitting software Excel statistics analysis addin software Excel statistical analysis addin software Statistics software Statistical analysis software
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