What information we collect on the web-site
We collect personal information you voluntarily submit in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to: when you visit our register on the web-site for an account or free trial, when you place an order, when you activate a license, when you subscribe to the blog, and when you respond to a survey. You may be asked for your name, e-mail address, mailing address, phone number, and other information.
We may collect non-personal information when you interact with our web-site, including the web-browser name, operating system, internet service provider used and other similar. You may, however, visit our web-site anonymously and can choose not to supply personal information.
When you sign-up for a free trial of Analyse-it you implicity agree to receive follow-up e-mails during your free trial, and if you purchase a license you implicity agree to receive reminders when your license or maintenance on your license is expiring. You can unsubscribe from these at any time using the link included in every e-mail.
We use information in aggregate to understand how visitors as a group use the services and resources provided. Combined with your feedback, we use this information to improve the web-site and our products and services. When you place an order we only collect information necessary to fulfil the order, satisfy tax requirements, and to contact you should a query arise. We do not share this information with outside parties except to the extent necessary, for example for credit card authorisation and fraud prevention.
If you choose to opt-in to receive blog updates you can unsubscribe from further communications using the unsubscribe link included in each e-mail. You may also contact us directly to be removed from any communications.
What information we collect as you use Analyse-it
We collect your name, e-mail address, and diagnostic information when you activate our application or submit an error report. This is used to help in development and diagnosing application crashes. When you submit an error report you have the option to include submit a screenshot and the document you are working with. Screenshots and copies of the file you are working with are held securely, are treated as confidential and never be shared, and are deleted when they are no longer needed. They are used solely to reproduce and fix application crashes.
How we protect your information
We uphold the highest security standards to protect your information against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction.
We meet PCI DSS security industry standards to ensure your personal and financial information is secure. That requires us to run regular vulnerability scans to ensure our web-site is secured against the latest exploits. We use Braintree to collect credit card information such that we never see your credit card number, only Braintree see it, and therefore it is never stored on our servers so your credit card details can never be stolen or leaked from us.
Finally, sensitive and personal data exchanged between you and the web-site is transmitted over a secured SSL communication channel, which encrypts it using digital signatures.
Access to your information
We comply with GDPR regulations and you can, under your rights, ask for a copy and amendments to be made to all information we hold about you. To ask what information we hold about you please contact legal@analyse-it.com.
Sharing your information
We do not and will never share or sell your personal information to others.
HTTP cookies
Our web-site uses "cookies" to enhance your experience and security, for record-keeping purposes and sometimes to track information about you for Google Analytics / Adwords purposes. You may choose to set your web browser to refuse cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent, though our web-site may not function properly.
Third party websites
You will find links from our web-site to third parties. We endeavour to ensure these links provide useful information, but since we do not control the content that appears on those web-sites we are not responsible for their content or practices. Browsing and interacting with any other web-site, including those that link to our web-site, is subject to that website’s own terms and policies.
Compliance with children's online privacy act
Protecting the privacy of the very young is very important. Our web-site is technical in nature and is therefore not intended to be used by anyone under 13.
Changes to this policy
We reserve the right to update this privacy policy at any time, and it is your responsibility to review this privacy policy occasionally to keep informed of changes. When we do change the policy we will change the date at the top of the page to help you identify changes.
Your acceptance of these terms
By using this web-site you signify your acceptance of this policy. If you do not agree to the terms of this policy, please do not use our web-site, otherwise your continued use is deemed as acceptance of these terms.
Contacting us
If you have any questions please contact us.