Major new release of the Analyse-it Method Validation edition.
Method Comparison
- Method comparison functions: scatters plots, difference plots, and fits, are now in one place so it’s easy to make decisions or choose fits after looking at the data.
- Ordinary linear, Weighted linear, Ordinary Deming, Weighted Deming and Passing & Bablok regressions.
- Constant difference and relative difference plots with mean difference, allowable difference, and limits of agreement.
- Bootstrap confidence intervals for parameters and bias in Passing & Bablok regression.
- Exact p-values on CUSUM linearity test.
- Predict mean difference at decision levels.
- Equality and equivalence hypothesis tests at decision levels.
- Kappa and Weighted Kappa qualitative method comparison.
- Graybill-Wang / Ting-Burdick-Graybill-Jeyaratnam-Lu modified large sample confidence interval estimators for variance components – produces confidence closer to the stated level than Satterthwaite confidence intervals, which can be too liberal.
- Support for unbalanced 1- and 2-factor nested random ANOVA models, for looking at precision between days, runs, laboratories, etc.
- Hsieh-Liu confidence interval estimator for degree of nonlinearity.
- Equality and equivalence hypothesis tests for nonlinearity.
Reference interval
- Harrell-Davis, Bootstrap, and Robust Bi-weight quantiles.
- Box-Cox and other transformations.
Diagnostic performance / ROC
- Compare up to 10 independent or correlated ROC curves.
- Equality, equivalence and non-inferiority hypothesis tests.
- Estimate false positive fraction (FPF) at fixed sensitivity, sensitivity at fixed FPF, and sensitivity/FPF at fixed cut-off.
- Find optimal decision threshold based on costs.
Binary diagnostic tests
- Compare sensitivity and specificity of 2 independent or correlated tests.
- Diagnostic odds-ratio and Youden’s index.
- Improved confidence interval estimators for likelihood ratio and predictive values.