Compare groups
- Added multiple comparisons: Hsu with Best, Scheffe, Steel (non-parametric against control), Dwass-Steel-Critchlow-Fligner (non-parametric all pairs), Wilcoxon (individual comparisons).
- Added p-value on all multiple comparisons.
- Added graphical confidence intervals on Excel 2010 and later.
- Added mean-mean scatter plot for representing multiple comparisons.
Fit Model
- Added lack of fit test for all simple regression models: Line, Polynomial, Logarithmic, Exponential, Power.
- Added maximum attainable R2 in conjunction with lack of fit test.
- Added save variables back to the dataset: Fitted Y, Residuals, Standardized Residuals, Studentized Residuals, Leverage, Cook's Influence.
- Added t-test on regression coefficients.
- Added standardized beta coefficients.
- Added covariance matrix
- Added correlation coefficient confidence intervals shown graphically on Excel 2010 and later.
Improved administrator help
Minor fixes and improvements.