Statistical Reference Guide
Method comparison / Agreement
Fit Y on X
Regression of Y on X describes the linear relationship between the methods.
Ordinary linear regression
Ordinary linear regression fits a line describing the relationship between two variables assuming the X variable is measured without error.
Deming regression
Deming regression is an errors-in-variables model that fits a line describing the relationship between two variables. Unlike ordinary linear regression, it is suitable when there is measurement error in both variables.
Passing-Bablok regression
Passing-Bablok regression fits a line describing the relationship between two variables. It is robust, non-parametric, and is not sensitive to outliers or the distribution of errors.
Related concepts
Correlation coefficient
Scatter plot
Available in Analyse-it Editions
Method Validation edition
Ultimate edition
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Administrator's Guide
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Statistical Reference Guide
Compare groups
Compare pairs
Contingency tables
Correlation and association
Principal component analysis (PCA)
Factor analysis (FA)
Item reliability
Fit model
Method comparison / Agreement
Correlation coefficient
Scatter plot
Fit Y on X
Ordinary linear regression
Deming regression
Passing-Bablok regression
Fitting ordinary linear regression
Fitting Deming regression
Fitting Passing-Bablok regression
Residual plot
Checking the assumptions of the fit
Average bias
Estimating the bias between methods at a decision level
Testing commutability of other materials
Difference plot (Bland-Altman plot)
Fit differences
Plotting a difference plot and estimating the average bias
Limits of agreement (LoA)
Plotting the Bland-Altman limits of agreement
Mountain plot (folded CDF plot)
Plotting a mountain plot
Partitioning and reducing the measuring interval
Agreement measures for binary and semi-quantitative data
Chance corrected agreement measures for binary and semi-quantitative data
Agreement plot
Estimating agreement between two binary or semi-quantitative methods
Study design
Study design for qualitative methods
Measurement systems analysis (MSA)
Reference interval
Diagnostic performance
Control charts
Process capability
Pareto analysis
Study Designs
Version 6.15
Published 18-Apr-2023
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MSA (Measurement System Analysis) software
Measurement System Analysis software
Reference interval software
ROC curve software
Sensitivity & Specificity analysis software
Method comparison software
Bland-Altman software
Deming regression software
Passing Bablok software
Method Validation software
Statistical Process Control (SPC) statistical software
SPC software
Six Sigma statistical software
Excel SPC addin
Excel Statistical Process Control (SPC) add-in
Pareto plot software software for Excel
Pareto plot add-in software for Excel
Pareto chart add-in software for Excel
Control chart Excel add-in
Process Capability statistical software
Capability Analysis add-in software
Principal Component analysis addin software
Excel PCA add-in
Excel ANOVA add-in
ANCOVA software
Multiple Regression analysis add-in software
Multiple Linear Regression statistical software
Excel model fitting software
Excel statistics analysis addin software
Excel statistical analysis addin software
Statistics software
Statistical analysis software
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