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Getting Started with Analyse-it
Distribution tutorial
Correlation and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) tutorial
Correlation and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) video tutorial
Compare group means tutorial
Association in 2-way contingency tables tutorial
Simple linear regression tutorial
Assessing agreement using Bland-Altman tutorial
Assessing agreement using Bland-Altman plot video tutorial
Estimating the precision of a measurement procedure (CLSI EP05-A3)
Evaluating the linearity of a measurement procedure (CLSI EP06-A)
Verifying the precision of a measurement procedure against a performance claim and estimating the bias (CLSI EP15-A3)
Verifying the precision of a measurement procedure against a performance claim and estimating the bias (CLSI EP15-A3) video tutorial
Pareto charts tutorial
Process control charts tutorial
Process capability tutorial
User Guide
Preparing data for analysis
Creating an analysis
Recalculating an analysis
Statistical reference guide
Compare groups
Compare pairs
Contingency tables
Correlation and association
Principal component analysis (PCA)
Factor analysis (FA)
Item reliability
Fit model
(Regression, ANOVA, ANCOVA GLM, Proportional Hazards)
Method comparison
(Bland-Altman, Deming & Passing-Bablok regression)
Measurement systems analysis (MSA)
(precision, trueness, linearity and detection limits)
Reference interval
Diagnostic performance
(ROC curves)
Survival & reliability
new in v6.10
Control charts
(Shewhart & time-weighted charts)
Process capability
Pareto analysis
Installers & administrator's guide
System requirements
Installing the software
Installing the software for concurrent use
Transferring the software to another computer
Activating a license
Updating the software
About us
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Contact us
Analyse-it Software, Ltd.
The Tannery, 91 Kirkstall Road,
Leeds, LS3 1HS,
United Kingdom
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® Copyright Analyse-it Software, Ltd. 2025.
All rights reserved.
MSA (Measurement System Analysis) software
Measurement System Analysis software
Reference interval software
ROC curve software
Sensitivity & Specificity analysis software
Method comparison software
Bland-Altman software
Deming regression software
Passing Bablok software
Method Validation software
Statistical Process Control (SPC) statistical software
SPC software
Six Sigma statistical software
Excel SPC addin
Excel Statistical Process Control (SPC) add-in
Pareto plot software software for Excel
Pareto plot add-in software for Excel
Pareto chart add-in software for Excel
Control chart Excel add-in
Process Capability statistical software
Capability Analysis add-in software
Principal Component analysis addin software
Excel PCA add-in
Excel ANOVA add-in
ANCOVA software
Multiple Regression analysis add-in software
Multiple Linear Regression statistical software
Excel model fitting software
Excel statistics analysis addin software
Excel statistical analysis addin software
Statistics software
Statistical analysis software
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